
The curious gaze of the girls

The curious gaze of the girls, as they entered the weaving room, was most trying to her sensitive nature, and Margaret's face crimsoned, as she followed Mrs. Armstrong to the farthest part of the room, where Mr. Field, the overseer, was conversing with one of the operators.
He was a black-eyed, sharp-featured person, and there was something in his look which caused her to shudder, as Mrs. Armstrong made known her errand.
"Have you ever worked in a factory?" he asked, in a quick, impatient manner.
"No sir."
"A new hand, then," he said, with a little more suavity.
"We need another hand in the carding-room,link, so you may go there. I will show you the room."
He led the way, Margaret following, yet keeping close to her new friend.
The noise of the room was almost as great as that of the other, but it was sunnier, and the windows were adorned with some beautiful plants. The girls seemed more modest and less inclined to stare at visitors. Mr. Field was about to leave, when he suddenly turned to Margaret and inquired when she intended to commence.
"To-morrow, sir, if you are ready for me?"
"All right. Be on hand at the ringing of the bell."
"I had almost forgotten an important part of my errand," said Mrs. Armstrong, "and that is, a boarding place for this young lady."
"Ah, she wishes to board in the Corporation. Well, there is a place at Mrs. Crawford's. I think she has a spare room. Her house is on Elm Street, third block."
It was a relief to feel the fresh air again, and to be away from the noise and confusion of the factory. As soon as they had reached the street, Margaret inquired of Mrs. Armstrong, the way to Mrs. Crawford's.
"O! I shall go with you," said that kind lady, to the great relief of the young and timid girl, already worn and weary with fatigue and excitement.
"Thank you," in low, but sweet tones, came from her lips, and the two wended their way along, with Trot close behind.
They passed pleasant private dwellings, and then turned into a long and narrow street, with blocks of houses on either side. Margaret had supposed by the name, that the street must be very pretty, with rows of trees on each side. She was just learning that there are many misnomers in life, and that this was one.
The house in the third block was reached, and Mrs. Armstrong rapped with her parasol on the door. A red faced, but good-natured appearing woman answered the call.
"We have called to see if you have a spare room for a young lady who wishes board," said Mrs. Armstrong.
"We 've got a spare bed for a factory girl, if that's what you want," she replied, grinning, and eyeing Margaret from head to foot.
"But have you no room she can have by herself?"
"Bless your stars, no my lady. We don't take them kind o' boarders. There's plenty of places where genteel folks are taken, if they like to be starved out and out,ugg bailey button triplet 1873 boots," and her face glowed with such genuine good nature,Moncler outlet online store, that her questioner felt that whatever else one might have to endure, they would at least have a sunny face to cheer them.
"This young woman can sleep with other folks, can't she?" inquired the good-natured woman, and her smile,fake uggs boots, not of sarcasm, but true goodness, though rough, saved Margaret's tears.

