
Not every one will remember when the Earl of Hitesbury came to East Seventy - -Street

Not every one will remember when the Earl of Hitesbury came to East Seventy - -Street, America. He was only a fair-to-medium earl, without debts, and he created little excitement. But you will surely remember the evening when the Daughters of Benevolence haled their bazaar in the W - -f-A - -a Hotel. For you were there, and you wrote a note to Fannie on the hotel paper, and mailed it, just to show her that - you did not? Very well; that was the evening the baby was sick, of course.
At the bazaar the McRamseys were prominent. Miss Mer - er - McRamsey was exquisitely beautiful. The Earl of Hitesbury had been very attentive to her since he dropped in to have a look at America. At the charity bazaar the affair was supposed to be going to be pulled off to a finish. An earl is as good as a duke. Better. His standing may be lower, but his outstanding accounts are also lower.
Our ex-young-lady-cashier was assigned to a booth. She was expected to sell worthless articles to nobs and snobs at exorbitant prices. The proceeds of the bazaar were to be used for giving the poor children of the slums a Christmas din - -Say! did you ever wonder where they get the other 364?
Miss McRamsey - beautiful, palpitating, excited, charming, radiant - fluttered about in her booth,nike shox torch ii. An imitation brass network, with a little arched opening, fenced her in.
Along came the Earl, assured, delicate, accurate, admiring - admiring greatly, and faced the open wicket.
"You look chawming, you know - 'pon my word you do - my deah," he said, beguilingly.
"Cut that joshing out,ugg bailey button triplet 1873 boots," she said, coolly and briskly. "Who do you think you are talking to? Your check, please. Oh, Lordy! -"
Patrons of the bazaar became aware of a commotion and pressed around a certain booth. The Earl of Hitesbury stood near by pulling a pale blond and puzzled whisker.
"Miss McRamsey has fainted," some one explained.
The Gold That Glittered
A story with a moral appended is like the bill of a mosquito. It bores you, and then injects a stinging drop to irritate your conscience. Therefore let us have the moral first and be done with it. All is not gold that glitters, but it is a wise child that keeps the stopper in his bottle of testing acid.
Where Broadway skirts the corner of the square presided over by George the Veracious is the Little Rialto. Here stand the actors of that quarter, and this is their shibboleth: "'Nit,' says I to Frohman, 'you can't touch me for a kopeck less than two-fifty per,' and out I walks,moncler jackets women."
Westward and southward from the Thespian glare are one or two streets where a Spanish-American colony has huddled for a little tropical warmth in the nipping North. The centre of life in this precinct is "El Refugio," a cafe and restaurant that caters to the volatile exiles from the South. Up from Chili, Bolivia, Colombia, the rolling republics of Central America and the ireful islands of the Western Indies flit the cloaked and sombreroed senores, who are scattered like burning lava by the political eruptions of their several countries.
Hither they come to lay counterplots, to bide their time, to solicit funds, to enlist filibusterers, to smuggle out arms and ammunitions,cheap designer handbags, to play the game at long taw. In El Refugio, they find the atmosphere in which they thrive.

