
chanel watches “You were so different to what I imagined you would be

“You were so different to what I imagined you would be,” I said afterwards, when we talked over our first meeting.
“And I could not believe you were the right girl, you were so unlike what I had been led to believe,” he said, with a laugh, in a burst of confidence. “I was told that you were an old maid with a dreadful temper. Such horrible things were said about you that I was hoping you would miss our ship. I said if you did come I supposed you would expect to sit at my table, but I would arrange so you should be placed elsewhere.”
The Captain took me out to see “Happy Valley” that day before we separated. In jinrickshas we rode by the parade and cricket grounds where some lively games are played, the city hall, and the solid, unornamented barracks; along smooth, tree-lined roads, out to where the mountains make a nest of one level, green space. This level has been converted into a race-course. The judges’ stand was an ordinary, commonplace race-course stand, but the stands erected by and for private families, were built of palms and were more pleasing because they were out of the usual.
During the month of February races are held here annually. They last three days, and during that period everybody stops work, rich and poor alike flocking to the race-course. They race with native-bred Mongolian ponies, having no horses, and the racing is pronounced most exciting and interesting.
“Happy Valley” lines the hillside. There are congregated the graveyards of all the different sects and nationalities in Hong Kong. The Fire Worshipers lie in ground joining the Presbyterians, the Episcopalians, the Methodists and the Catholics, and Mahommedans are just as close by. That those of different faiths should consent to place their dead together in this lovely tropical valley is enough to give it the name of Happy Valley, if its beauty did not do as much. In my estimation it rivals in beauty the public gardens, and visitors use it as a park. One wanders along the walks looking at the beautiful shrubs and flowers, never heeding that they are in the valley of death, so thoroughly is it robbed of all that is horrible about graveyards. We rode back to town through the crowded districts, where the natives huddle together in all their filth. It is said that over 100,000 people live within a certain district in Hong Kong not exceeding one-half square mile, and they furthermore positively affirm, that sixteen hundred people live in the space of an acre. This is a sample of the manner in which the Chinese huddle together. They remind me of a crowd of ants on a lump of sugar. An effort is being made in Hong Kong to compel owners to build differently, so as to make the huddling and packing impossible, for the filth that goes with it invariably breeds disease.
Queen’s road is interesting to all visitors. In it is the Hong Kong Club, where the bachelors are to be found, the post office, and greater than all, the Chinese shops. The shops are not large, but the walls are lined with black-wood cabinets, and one feels a little thrill of pleasure at the sight of the gold, the silver, ivory carvings, exquisite fans, painted scrolls and the odor of the lovely sandal-wood boxes, coming faintly to the visitor, creates a feeling of greed. One wants them all-everything.


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"No, Bones," said Hamilton drily. "We're quite comfortable."
"You wouldn't like to get down, my jolly old typewriter?"
"No, thank you," said Miss Marguerite Whitland with decision.
"Oh!" said Bones. "Then, under the circumstances, dear old person, we'd all better sit here until----"
At that moment the light came on. It flooded the white road, and the white road was an excellent wind-screen against which the bending head of Bones was thrown into sharp relief.
The car moved on. At regular intervals the light that never went out forsook its home-loving habits and took a constitutional. The occupants of the ear came to regard its eccentricities with philosophy, even though it began to rain, and there was no hood.
On the outskirts of Guildford, Bones was pulled up by a policeman, who took his name because the lights were too bright. On the other side of Guildford he was pulled up by another policeman because he had no light at all. Passing through Kingston, the lamp began to flicker, sending forth brilliant dots and dashes, which continued until they were on Putney Common, where the lamp's message was answered from a camp of Boy Scouts, one signalman of the troop being dragged from his bed for the purpose, the innocent child standing in his shirt at the call of duty.
"A delightful day," said Hamilton at parting that night. (It was nearly twelve o'clock.) "I'm sorry you've had so much trouble with that lamp, Bones. What did you call it?"
"I say, old fellow," said Bones, ignoring the question, "I hope, when you saw me picking a spider off dear old Miss Marguerite's shoulder, you didn't--er--think anything?"
"The only thing I thought was," said Hamilton, "that I didn't see the spider."
"Don't stickle, dear old partner," said Bones testily. "It may have been an earwig. Now, as a man of the world, dear old _blase_ one, do you think I'd compromise an innocent typewriter? Do you think I ought to----" He paused, but his voice was eager.
"That," said Hamilton, "is purely a question for the lady. Now, what are you going to do with this lamp. Are you going to float it?"
Bones scowled at the glaring headlight.
"That depends whether the naughty old things float, Ham," he said venomously. "If you think they will, my old eye-witness, how about tyin' a couple of bricks round 'em before I chuck 'em in. What?"
Chapter 10 The Branch Line
Not all the investments of Bones paid dividends. Some cost him money. Some cost him time. Some--and they were few--cost him both.
Somewhere in a marine store in London lie the battered wrecks of what were once electro-plated motor-lamps of a peculiar and, to Bones, sinister design. They were all that was left of a great commercial scheme, based upon the flotation of a lamp that never went out.
On a day of crisis in Bones's life they had gone out, which was bad. They had come on at an inconvenient moment, which was worse, since they had revealed him and his secretary in tender attitudes. And Bones had gone gaily to right the wrong, and had been received with cold politeness by the lady concerned.

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"Nothing is further from my thoughts, I assure you. Your reasoning appeared to me to be too peremptory, that is all."
"In what way, if you please, I am curious to know?"
"It would take too long to tell you. Eleven o'clock is striking. I will content myself with offering you a bet. Your copy of Pliny against my Quintilian, that you have not judged rightly, and that the child is not Irish."
"You know that I do not like to bet," said the doctor, softened by his unconquerable good humor. "But I shall take so much pleasure in your discomfiture that I accept your offer."
"Well, then it is a settled affair. How much time do you expect to take for your researches?"
"A few months will suffice, I hope, but I have said two years to Hersebom, in order to be sure that no efforts were wanting."
"Ah! well--I give you two years. Hochstedt shall be our witness; and there is no ill-feeling, I hope?"
"Assuredly not, but I see your Quintilian in great danger of coming to keep company with my Pliny," answered the doctor.
Then, after shaking hands with his two friends, he accompanied them to the door.
Chapter 5 The Thirteen Days Of Christmas
The next day Erik began his new life at school.
Dr. Schwaryencrona first took him to his tailors, and fitted him out with some new suits of clothes; then he introduced him to the principal of one of the best schools in town. It was called in Swedish "Hogre elementar larovek."
In this school were taught the ancient and modern languages, the elementary sciences, and all that it was necessary to learn before entering college. As in Germany and Italy, the students did not board in the college. They lived with their families in the town, with the professors, or wherever they could obtain comfortable accommodations. The charges are very moderate; in fact, they have been reduced almost to nothing. Large gymnasiums are attached to each of the higher classes, and physical culture is as carefully attended to as the intellectual.
Erik at once gained the head of his division. He learned everything with such extreme facility that he had a great deal of time to himself. The doctor therefore thought that it would be better for him to utilize his evenings by taking a course at the "Slodjskolan," the great industrial school of Stockholm. It was an establishment especially devoted to the practice of the sciences, particularly to making experiments in physics and chemistry, and to geometrical constructions which are only taught theoretically in the schools.
Doctor Schwaryencrona judged rightly that the teachings of this school, which was one of the wonders of Stockholm, would give a new impetus to the rapid progress which Erik was making, and he hoped for great results from this double training.
His young _protege_, proved worthy of the advantages which he procured for him. He penetrated the depths of the fundamental sciences, and instead of vague and superficial ideas, the ordinary lot of so many pupils, he stored up a provision of just, precise, and definite facts. The future development of these excellent principles could only be a question of time.


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"That shows how deceiving looks are," replied Pepper. "Though I never did have enough," he added plaintively.
"Of course not," returned Donald, "there isn't as much as that anywhere."
"As much what?" asked Rand.
"Food, grub, provisions, victuals," replied Donald, setting off along the road at a pace that put a stop to any more talk.
They had gone perhaps about halfway down the hill toward the boathouse when a big bay horse, drawing a light wagon in which were three boys, came quickly around a turn in the road. It bore down on them so suddenly that only by a rapid scramble up the bank by the side of the road did Rand and Donald save themselves from being bowled over.
The newcomers would have driven on with a jeering laugh only that Pepper, angry at what obedience, neatness and order are Scout virtues. Endurance, self-reliance, self-control and an effort to help some one else are Scout objectives."
"Ah, cut it out!" protested Pepper. "As Alphonse says 'that makes me the ennui.' It sounds like a boarding school prospectus. Tell as what it's about."
"Well, then," replied Rand, "in words adapted to your comprehension, it is about hunting, scouting, camping, tracking; and Colonel Snow is interested in the organization. He says that it is fine."
"Speaking of tracking," interjected Donald, "in my opinion it were no bad plan to be making tracks toward the boathouse if we are going to get anywhere the day. It is getting bright in the east and it looks like a clear day, after all. And I may also take occasion to remark that I haven't had my breakfast yet, and this Boy Scout business doesn't sound inviting on an empty stomach. We can discuss it with more comfort when we have had a bite."
"That's the talk!" approved Pepper. "That suits me down to the ground. I'm beginning to get hungry myself."
"Beginning!" exclaimed Donald. "My
"That isn't a bad guess," laughed Rand. "It is supposed to represent the track of a bear."
"What are you going to do, Rand?" questioned Donald, "hunt bears?"
"Not at present," answered Rand, "though I should like to well enough. This is a booklet about the Boy Scouts."
"The Boy Scouts!" demanded Pepper; "what's them?"
"Shades of Lindley Murray!" exclaimed Rand, "do I hear aright? What's them! And you a graduate of number one. Really, Pepper Blake, I don't believe we can let you in on this. What do you think about it, Don?"
"I have my doubts about it," replied Donald gravely.
"But what is it?" persisted Pepper. "It sounds good to me."
"That is better," drawled Rand. "It not only sounds good, but it is good, as you elegantly express it. IT, according to the pamphlet that I have here, is an organization for boys between the ages of twelve and eighteen to train them in self-reliance, manhood and good citizenship. The movement is not essentially military," went on Rand, "but the military virtues of discipline, looked like a deliberate attempt to run over them, sprang to the horse's head as it was passing, catching the bridle, and with a loud "whoa" he brought the outfit to a stop.
"What are you t-t-trying to do, Jim Rae!" he shouted to the youthful driver, "run over us?"

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"Come, dear Nell!" cried Harry.
"Harry, I am willing to follow you," replied the maiden. At nine o'clock the last train through the tunnel started to convey Nell and her companions to the surface of the earth. Twenty minutes later they alighted on the platform where the branch line to New Aberfoyle joins the railway from Dumbarton to Stirling.
The night was already dark. From the horizon to the zenith, light vapory clouds hurried through the upper air, driven by a refreshing northwesterly breeze. The day had been lovely; the night promised to be so likewise.
On reaching Stirling, Nell and her friends, quitting the train, left the station immediately. Just before them, between high trees, they could see a road which led to the banks of the river Forth.
The first physical impression on the girl was the purity of the air inhaled eagerly by her lungs.
"Breathe it freely, Nell," said James Starr; "it is fragrant with all the scents of the open country."
"What is all that smoke passing over our heads?" inquired Nell.
"Those are clouds," answered Harry, "blown along by the westerly wind."
"Ah!" said Nell, "how I should like to feel myself carried along in that silent whirl! And what are those shining sparks which glance here and there between rents in the clouds?"
"Those are the stars I have told you about, Nell. So many suns they are, so many centers of worlds like our own, most likely."
The constellations became more clearly visible as the wind cleared the clouds from the deep blue of the firmament. Nell gazed upon the myriad stars which sparkled overhead. "But how is it," she said at length, "that if these are suns, my eyes can endure their brightness?"
"My child," replied James Starr, "they are indeed suns, but suns at an enormous distance. The nearest of these millions of stars, whose rays can reach us, is Vega, that star in Lyra which you observe near the zenith, and that is fifty thousand millions of leagues distant. Its brightness, therefore, cannot affect your vision. But our own sun, which will rise to-morrow, is only distant thirty-eight millions of leagues, and no human eye can gaze fixedly upon that, for it is brighter than the blaze of any furnace. But come, Nell, come!"
They pursued their way, James Starr leading the maiden, Harry walking by her side, while Jack Ryan roamed about like a young dog, impatient of the slow pace of his masters. The road was lonely. Nell kept looking at the great trees, whose branches, waving in the wind, made them seem to her like giants gesticulating wildly. The sound of the breeze in the tree-tops, the deep silence during a lull, the distant line of the horizon, which could be discerned when the road passed over open levels--all these things filled her with new sensations, and left lasting impressions on her mind.
After some time she ceased to ask questions, and her companions respected her silence, not wishing to influence by any words of theirs the girl's highly sensitive imagination, but preferring to allow ideas to arise spontaneously in her soul.
At about half past eleven o'clock, they gained the banks of the river Forth. There a boat, chartered by James Starr, awaited them. In a few hours it would convey them all to Granton. Nell looked at the clear water which flowed up to her feet, as the waves broke gently on the beach, reflecting the starlight. "Is this a lake?" said she.


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Chapter 14
Very luckily for J.T. Maston, the Federal Government received the following telegram sent by the American Consul stationed at Zanzibar:
"To John S. Wright, Minister of State, Washington, U.S.A.:
Zanzibar, Sept. 13, 5 A.M. (local time).-Great works are being executed in the Wamasai, south of the chain of Kilimanjaro. For eight months President Barbicane and Capt. Nicholl have been established there with a great number of black help under the authority of Sultan Bali-Bali. This is brought to the knowledge of the Government by its devoted

And this was how the secret of J.T. Maston became known. And therefore, were the Secretary of the Gun Club still in prison, he could not have been hanged.
But, after all, who knows whether he would not rather have been glad to meet with death in the full glory of his life than to live on with all the chances of disappointment.
Chapter 15
Finally the Government of Washington had found out the place where Barbicane & Co. were operating. Should they doubt the authenticity of this cable? No, that was not reasonable. The Consul at Zanzibar was a very reliable person, and his information could be accepted without doubt. It was further corroborated by later telegrams. It was really in the center of the region of Kilimanjaro in the African Wamasai, a little under the equatorial line, where the engineers of the N.P.P.A. were going to accomplish their gigantic works.
How could they have secretly reached this lost country, at the foot of the celebrated mountain, discovered in 1849 by Drs. Rebviani and Krapf, ascended by the travellers Otto Ehlers and Abbot? How were they able to establish their workshops there, erect a foundry and bring a large number of help, or at least enough to succeed? How had they been able to establish friendly relations with the dangerous tribes of the country and their sover[e]igns, as cunning as they were cruel? This we do not know. And perhaps it would never be known, as there were only a few days left before the 22d of September would arrive. J.T. Maston heard from Mrs. Evangelina Scorbitt that the mystery of Kilimanjaro had been unveiled by a telegram sent from Zanzibar. “Great Scott!” he exclaimed, sawing the air with his iron hand. “Well, we do not travel by telegram yet, nor by the telephone, and in six days the matter will be finished.”
Those who saw and heard this remarkable man utter these words were astonished at the energy in the old gunner.
J.T. Maston was right. There was no time left to send agents to Wamasai with orders to arrest President Barbicane. They would even have been too late had they departed from Algiers or Egypt, even from Aden, Madagascar, or Zanzibar, as they would have met thousands of difficulties in this mountainous region, and perhaps they would have met with an army composed of followers of the Sultan, who was interested in the matter. Therefore all hope of preventing this operation had to be given up. But if prevention was impossible nothing seemed more easy than the figuring out of the terrible consequences, as the exact situation of “x” was now known.

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The Decision to Re-Finance

The decision to re-finance a home mortgage is a serious decision which should not be taken lightly. Homeowners should give this decision a great deal of consideration to ensure they are making the best possible decision for their financial situation and personal needs. Some factors to consider when deciding whether or not to re-finance is the type of loan to choose, the lender to choose, the costs associated with re-financing and the hassle of the process.

Consider All of the Options

Homeowners who are seriously considering re-financing owe it to themselves to consider all of the options available to them. They may have a friend who recently refinanced with a specific type of loan but this might not be the solution for all homeowners. Each homeowner should consider their situation to be individual and not likely to closely mirror the situations of others.

Some of the options to consider include the type of re-financing loan. The basic options are fixed interest rates and adjustable interest rates. There are also mortgages which combine these two options. The homeowner may have a specific type of mortgage in mind but the lender may or may not be willing to offer the homeowner this type of loan. Lenders are more likely to offer fixed interest mortgages to homeowners with good credit and adjustable rate mortgages to homeowners with poor credit.

Consider the Lender

Homeowners will also have to carefully consider the lender they select. This is important because not all lenders are going to be willing to offer the same interest rates and terms to the homeowner. Homeowners may have to receive quotes from several different lenders in a short period of time to make an accurate comparison. This is important because interest rates can change without notice and homeowners who wait too long to make a decision may find the rate they were originally quoted is no longer available to them.

When selecting a lender the homeowner should also consider how responsive the lender is to their questions. This is important because a lender who does not pay attention to the homeowner or respond to their inquiries in a timely fashion can make the process of re-financing considerably more stressful than necessary. Selecting a lender who offers slightly higher rates but is more responsive may be warranted.

Consider the Cost of Re-Financing

Re-financing is not cheap. There are certain costs associated with re-financing. These costs are typically very similar to the closing costs associated with securing an original mortgage on a property. These costs may include application fees, loan origination fees, property taxes, appraisal fees and other miscellaneous items. These costs can be quite extensive and homeowners may find they are often left paying more than the benefits they are going to gain from re-financing. In this type of situation the homeowner should make the decision not to re-finance because it is not a financially sound decision.

Consider the Hassle of Re-Financing

Let�s face it; re-financing can be an absolute hassle. The time and energy spent researching different re-financing options and contacting lenders to see who will offer the most favorable rates can be quite taxing. A homeowner should consider the time and effort required for this endeavor in deciding whether or not to re-finance. Simply stated, refinancing is a hassle and homeowners may better spend their time with family and friends rather than running around trying to find the best rates in town.


Word count 575


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There are so many reasons why it makes sense to rent an Arizona limousine that you really should be asking yourself, 揥hy not rent an Arizona limousine??Arranging for an Arizona limo is a great way to make a grand entrance, that抯 for sure. But there抯 more.

People don抰 always think about Arizona limousine rentals when they need to move a large group of people from one place to another. It抯 traditionally the brides who choose this type of transportation. Arranging an Arizona limousine on their wedding days is as much about 搕he look?as it is about being practical.

Considering that today抯 typical bridal party averages 6 ?7 gorgeous women dressed to the nine抯, plus the bride and her parents, arriving at the wedding in a limo makes a lot of sense. There抯 plenty of room to move around so there's no need to worry about the hair or the outfits getting messed up. And there抯 typically a well-stocked bar inside just in case the girls need to relax a bit.

Who else contracts Arizona limousine services?

Anyone who can afford to and who wants to arrive in style, that抯 who. Arranging an Arizona limousine to meet out-of-town travelers ?whether they抮e arriving for business or for pleasure ?is far more convenient than dealing with the hassles that are almost certain to crop up. Who has time to sit in traffic or to look for some place to park while awaiting the plane抯 arrival? And now that airport security measures are so tight, if you don抰 need to be at there, then you really shouldn抰 be.

Arranging an Arizona limo to greet your guests or business associates will save so much time, but it抯 also a very nice gesture. You can be sure that not many people will decline an opportunity to be picked up in Arizona limo!

And of course, limousines aren抰 always for fun. Arranging for an Arizona limousine rental is an efficient way of transporting friends and family during times of mourning. When you抳e got a lot of people arriving from out of town to attend funeral services, renting a limousine will be so easy to coordinate. It抣l be a welcome relief especially when you consider how many other tasks need to be coordinated during this sad time.

Choosing Between an Arizona Limousine or Arizona Charter Bus

For larger gatherings, it probably makes more sense to arrange an Arizona charter bus. A charter bus is the perfect solution for transporting students to school-sponsored events. Nowadays, more and more parents are pooling their money to rent Arizona party busses to take their driving-aged children to and from the Homecoming Dance, or Prom Night or the Senior Dance. They know their kids might indulge in a few illegal activities during these special times and they know that an Arizona charter bus is one way of ensuring that their children won抰 be driving while under the influence.

Next time you need to transport a gathering, large or small, take a few moments to check whether renting an Arizona charter bus or an Arizona limousine make sense.

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Knowing how to play piano chords, for beginners is one of the most essential parts of learning to play the piano. These are your pieces of the puzzle to put together any song. Here I will show you the exact formula for playing piano chords.

So the first chord you need to learn is how to play a major chord. And the basic formula for a major chord is the root note, then the not two steps away, then the note one step and a half away. So the C major chord would be C, then two steps is E, then a step and a half is G. So C, E, G is the C major chord.

Now the formula for playing the C minor chord is to take the second note which is E and lowering it one half step so you have Eb. So the C minor chord is C, Eb, and G.

From there you can form the Diminished chord, and what you do is lower the third note one half step. So the C diminished chord is C, Eb, Gb. And you can apply that to any note on the piano for finding the Major, Minor, and diminished chords.

Now the last basic chord you can form is the Augmented chords. And what you do is take a major chord, and raise the third note one half step. So a C augmented chord is C, E, and Ab.

These are the four basic chords you can play on the piano. From there you can add things like major 9th and 11th and 13th. But you can find a piano chord chart that will give you all the chords but it is good for you to know how the chords are formed and why they are formed.

So to play the 9th chord the 11th and 13, you basically just instead of looking at the scale as letters you count it as numbers. So if you are playing a C major chord, and you want to add a 9 to that chord which will give it a fuller sound You just count up nine from C. So you end up with D and from there you can find the 11th just keep counting and you get to F. Then from there you keep going up to the number 13 and you have your 13th note.

So basically the 9 is the second and the 11th is the fourth, and the 13th is the sixth. They are the same notes you just don't ever call it a C 6th chord it will be a C 13th chord. So the 13th is where you not only add the 13th but you add the 11th, 9th and seventh. You add these notes only to put a fuller sound to the chord so a C major 13th chord will be C in your left hand and Bb in the left which is the seventh note. Then in your right hand you have C, F, and A and you discount the E and G.


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The essential keys to self improvement and motivation

What are the three keys to self improvement and motivation?


Inspiration is critical to staying motivated and improving oneself. If you are not interested in your business, your motivation level will never be high and you will not be able to sustain interest for very long.

Take an honest look at your inspiration level. Are you excited about going to work or is it an obligation? You would be surprised at the number of people who choose a business that looks good on paper, but in reality does not interest them in the least.

These individuals will grow weary and uninterested pretty quickly because they have no inspiration or passion to sustain them during the difficult times they will encounter as a small business owner.

If you do not like your work, then think how you can re-focus your small business to better match your needs. Or consider making a change entirely. Without inspiration, there will not be motivated to even try self improvement.


Short and long-term goal setting is vital for any business owner. If you do not set goals, you would have no definite purpose on which path of self improvement to take.

How could you possibly be motivated if you were unsure about the direction of your company?

Take the time to put your goals in writing. A business plan may sound daunting, but it is really nothing more than goals, strategies, implementation and a budget. Write your own business plan and update it at least annually.

Include �mini-goals� that can be accomplished in a matter of hours, days or weeks as well as the more ambitious �grand-goals� that may take years to complete. Refer to this plan throughout the year.

But can a business plan really help motivate you? Of course. Written goals will make you feel more professional and certainly more connected to your business. It will also free you from having to reinvent your business goals every single day.


Another key factor in getting and staying motivated is networking with other small business owners. No one person knows all the knowledge.

However, when a number of people begin working together, the challenges will just be there waiting to be conquered.

In fact, the isolation of working alone is of one the most difficult parts of being an entrepreneur. You can never be on your way to self improvement without the help of others. Mutual support is motivating.
Make it easier on yourself by connecting with others either in your community or online. Even when businesses are not related, you will often find common ground and ways to work together.

Many successful entrepreneurs report that finding the right networking group was a turning point in the growth of the business. Working together, a networking group can help its members generate more qualified sales leads and solve problems faster and more efficiently.

Sharing ideas, expertise and experience is also an invaluable aspect of motivation and self improvement.

LV Outlet Expectations about the new iPod video The new iPod video seems to have been met with great

Expectations about the new iPod video

The new iPod video seems to have been met with great expectations and hopes. The audiophiles were waiting for a better sound, those concerned with photos for a bigger memory, the video fans were expecting longer life battery. And the key word for all these expectation is quality.

Some of the groups of customers with different expectations got what they wanted, others are disappointed and have other expectations from the future editions of iPods. In many ways the customers were surprised by the new iPod video as many improvements were made as compared with previous editions. The previous generations of iPods had some disadvantages and maybe due to the customers’ expectations those aspects were improved.

The first aspect that was changed is the screen and its dimension. Then the quality of the screen, its clarity and the number of the colors are impressive. The dimensions of the screen are big enough for watching the favorite video, the favorite photos or pictures so that the time would pass easily. Another important aspect that should be taken into account while speaking about the improvements of the iPods concerns the quality of the screen and image as the usual obstacles of light, sunny indoor or outdoor does not represent a problem anymore. The fact that the memory of the new iPod video is so generous seems to be a bonus to the quality of the pictures. There are also some features that permit creating slideshows, fact that is very useful.

The long life of the battery of the new iPod video is impressive so that the 30 GB has 14-15 hours of music listening. The 60 GB has almost 20 hours of music audition. Unfortunately, this great news has another aspect that concerns the life of the battery in case of video playing. The battery life while video playing is only 2 hours so that long movies or other longer shows are not possible to be watched because of this impediment. Some customers suggest that the life battery would be longer taking into account its huge memory and probably these complaints will be taken into account while creating new generations of iPods.

Another aspect that was expected and received with great joy is the huge memory. In this way, other customers prefer the new iPod video only because of this very aspect. It gives the possibility of having all digital photos on the new iPod, classifying them in a photo album. The memory of the new iPod video 30 GB and 60 GB hold up to 15,000 songs and 25,000 photos. The possibility of holding vivid color album art is another advantage and great news for lovers of the art. The customers have also the possibility of viewing and reviewing up to 150 hours of digital video.

The new features may satisfy almost all requirements and may meet almost all expectations. Digital entertainment, the superior quality of the sound, the best technology in MP3 domain, great battery life and huge memory are only few features that are worth being mentioned.

The disappointments regarding the new iPod video may be the result of high expectations that belong to different categories of people with different preoccupations. This aspect may contribute to a great development of handheld video devices and may bring variation on the market. The edition of a new iPod video and the disappointments regarding the video features may be the expression of new needs and requirements on the market of iPods.

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Acid Reflux Medication: Keeping Heartburn at Bay

In a normal digestive process, the partially digested food is being forwarded by muscular movements from the stomach to the intestines. However, for some people, the stomach contents travel back to the esophagus from the stomach. This condition is known as acid reflux.

Common symptoms of this disease include heartburn, difficulty in swallowing, regurgitation, chest pains, dental erosion, hoarseness, asthma, dyspepsia, vomiting, and many others.

If not properly treated, acid reflux can last for several months. But drug treatment can play an essential part in the treatment process of a patient.

The most common medications used include the following:

Antacids. These drugs are used to neutralize the acids in the digestive tract and are primarily taken in for relief of mild symptoms, such as occasional episodes of indigestion and heartburn. They also act to incite the defensive mechanisms of our stomach by building up the secretion of mucous and bicarbonate. Most antacids can be bought over the counter even without a medical prescription. Moreover, these drugs are one of the first to be recommended by professionals to lessen the pain brought about by heartburn or mild symptoms. The three basic ingredients of antacids are magnesium, calcium, and aluminum.

Acid suppressants such as histamine blockers are also commonly used. Histamine blockers obstruct the production of stomach acids by alienating the actions of histamine. Histamine is a chemical in the body that promotes the production and secretion of acids in the stomach. Anti-histamines are available even without prescription and offers relief of symptoms in most of the patients with frequent acid reflux. Patients have to wait for 30 to 90 minutes for these drugs to take effect. But their effect also lasts six to 24 hours. In cases of severe symptoms, a patient may have to take two dosages a day. In some researches, histamine blockers have shown to improve asthmatic symptoms in those who endure from both acid reflux and asthma.

However, in a study dated 2001, it was suggested that histamine blockers occasionally impart complete relief of symptoms for dyspepsia and heartburn.

Proton pump inhibitors are also employed as a medication. They act to trim down the production of stomach acids by reacting with the cells found in the stomach wall which produce and release acids into the stomach. However, researches have revealed that the use of proton pump inhibitors poses some concerns. Side effects, although uncommon, include diarrhea, headache, itching, and nausea. Moreover, these drugs should also be stayed away from by pregnant and breast-feeding mothers.

Another medication that is generally handled is the use of agents which protect the mucus lining in the gastrointestinal region. This kind of drug acts by attaching to an ulcer crater so that it will be guarded from damage caused by digestive acids. It is advisable for people undergoing maintenance therapy with mild or moderate acid reflux conditions. Likewise, it has minor side effects, including constipation.

lv wallets Texas Rangers baseball tickets have always enjoyed huge demand owing to the team抯 all ro

Texas Rangers baseball tickets have always enjoyed huge demand owing to the team抯 all round performance and some of the best unparalleled performances. Texas Rangers are a professional baseball team based in Arlington, Texas, United States, and are a member of the Western Division of Major League Baseball's American League. The team has played in the Rangers Ballpark in Arlington from 1994 till date.

Texas Rangers ?The Origin And History

The club was founded in 1961 in Washington D.C. and was originally known as the Washington Senators. The team then moved to Arlington in 1972 and came to be known as the Rangers. Like the other three teams; Tampa Bay Ray, Washington Nationals and Seattle Mariners, the Texas Rangers has also not played in the World series yet, since they have never won a league championship.

The team played its first game in April 1972, but lost the game to the California Angels. After the first season, Whitey Herzog took over as the new manager from Ted Williams but was replaced by Billy Martin in 1973. In 1974, the Rangers were the only MLB team to finish over .500 after a two back-to back 100-loss seasons. In the same year, Billy Martin was named the Manager of the Year, Mike Hargrove was named the AL Rookie of the Year, Jeff Burroughs was named the AL Most Valuable Player and Ferguson Jenkins was named the Comeback Player of the year.

The team had excellent performances in the year 1977-79, but after 1981 there were no winnings for another five seasons. Also, during this period, the Rangers faced attendance problems leading to a sharp fall in the Texas Rangers baseball tickets sale. The year 1986 saw the beginning of winnings with the help of rookies like Ruben Sierra and Pete Incaviglia. Finally, the team saw success in the 1990s. In 1995, the Rangers won the game against the Yankees, which was their first and till date, the only play-off victory owing to powerful hitters with Iv醤 Rodr韌uez, Will Clark, Mark McLemore, Dean Palmer, Rusty Greer, Juan Gonz醠ez and Mickey Tettleton.

In the year 1999, Nolan Ryan became the first player of the Rangers to have been elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. The Rangers struggled through 2002 during which the team抯 manager Jerry Narron was fired following the season and was replaced by a seasoned manager, Buck Showalter. During 2004, they played against the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim and Oakland Athletics and finished at the third place behind the Angels and the A抯. The team fought for consistency in the year 2005. The following year also landed them with a not-so-impressive 80-82 record and they finished third in the American League West.

Texas Rangers Baseball Tickets ?Book Your Tickets Through An Authorized Ticket Broker!

It is always advisable to book the Texas Rangers baseball tickets with an authorized ticket broker. Just for a small fee, the brokers give you the convenience of booking tickets online with the click of a mouse. Not only can you have the convenience of booking the tickets from the comfort of your home or office, but you can also have them delivered right at your doorstep.


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Organize your Clothes Shopping Trips to Make the Most of your Budget
Some of us love it, some of us hate it. Regardless, clothes shopping can be an expensive venture, and without proper planning and the careful consideration of certain factors, it can well turn into an exercise in futility, resulting in wasted time and money. To make your clothing budget stretch as far as possible, consider a few of these points before making your shopping list.
Probably the most important thing to consider when purchasing your wardrobe is to find pieces that work for you. A warehouse job does not dictate a three-piece suit, just as an office job does not dictate work boots or gloves. Since you spend 1/3 of your day at work and sometimes more, it's important to have practical items in your closet that work for your job.
Make sure you try things on and buy the size that is right for you. You might be required to go down a size for some clothing lines, and up for others. Pay attention to the way it looks and the way it fits, not what the sizing tag says. Proper fitting clothes help you look better, and feel better as a result. They'll also last longer if there are no stressed seams or are the correct length.
Build your wardrobe around basic elements. Suits and separates can form the foundation of a great working wardrobe. Single and double-breasted long-sleeved blazers with matching skirts for women or pants for men or women are essential basics. Avoid using trendy clothes as building blocks for your wardrobe foundation, because one they become dated, it will cause the rest of your wardrobe to crumble as a result. Purchase basic building pieces in two or three colors that best complement your color and personal style to build your wardrobe. You'll then be able to mix and match pieces to create various looks quite simply and affordably.
After you've obtained the basics in the colors and fit that's best for you, work on sorting your closet to make your morning routine simple and quick. Organize and categorize your clothing for easy selection and wearing. Hang jackets by sleeve length, color and garment length, or place near coordinating items to make finding a workable outfit easy.


louis vuitoon Making-A-Safe-Room

Making A Safe Room

The safe room, which is also known as a panic room, is a secure location within a home or building that is designed to provide safety for families during terrorist attacks, nature, burglaries, or other types of threats. A safe room is an ideal investment for any home owner, although the more fortified rooms with heavy security are normally found in the homes of rich people. Those that have a lot of money really have no budget - therefore they can easily spend thousands on making their safe room the best place to go in the event of an emergency.

For most of us, a safe room is a location that family members can run to and hide, or call for help in an emergency situation. You don抰 really need to go all out and put steel walls and a steel door in the room, although you do need a fortified door that opens outward with fortified walls. You can have a door constructed of wood or other material, although the key should be a material that is very hard to break through. No matter what type of door you choose, the doorjamb should be steel, to prevent the door from being kicked in.

It抯 almost important that your safe room doesn抰 contain any windows. Windows can provide entry for burglars, which is something you obviously don抰 want. You should also make sure that you keep a phone in the room, along with water, first aid kits, food, and any type of defensive weapons that you can get. It抯 also a good idea to keep medical supplies in the safe room as well, just in case you need them.

No matter how hard you may try, it抯 impossible to predict how long you will be locked in your safe room when an emergency happens. Therefore, you should always think about ventilation, lighting, and even hygiene. Being locked in a room for several days or possibly even weeks can affect your hygiene, which is why you should keep proper hygiene supplies in your room at all times.

The reason why most people invest in a safe room is burglars, as they present a real threat. No matter where you live, or how nice the neighborhood may be, a burglary can happen at any given time. When a burglary happens, the last thing you want to try to do is to reason with the burglars, or attempt to cooperate with them.

When you have a safe room, you can take your family there. You should always make sure that everyone in your family knows where the safe room is located and how to use it. If you have children, you should teach them about the room and how important it is. The room should never be used for recreation purposes or for children to play in. Instead, it should only be used in case of an emergency or a place for you and your family to hide.

If you have a safe room or just interested in one, you should always make sure that you keep the proper supplies on hand, just in case. When you finally do use the safe room, you should always make sure that you keep the keys to open the room inside, so no one else can get in. While you are in the room you can call the local authorities, then wait inside your safe room until they get to your house and the problem is solved. Never, under any circumstances should you come out of your safe room before the police arrive. If a burglary is taking place, you will only make the situation worse.


(word count 609) 相关的主题文章:


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What is in a Weight Loss Diet Pill?

With all the strenuous activities and sweat-generating regimens that most weight loss programs have, more and more people are enticed to opt for a better alternative, without the trouble of exerting too much effort.

With the advent of diet pills that promote weight loss, people go mad over the appealing advertisements of most manufacturers claiming that their product can easily “melt away” those fats and cellulites.

With these pills dominating the market today, who needs to tone those abs and biceps and do some dieting if there is an easier way to lose weight?

With an estimated 60% of the American population that are now considered as obese, these “wonder” drugs are definitely reaping millions of dollars in the United States alone.

Now, the questions are: is there any truth regarding the manufacturers’ claims that these diet pills can ultimately promote weight loss? Are they really effective in helping people lose weight? And if that is the case, do these pills also help those people maintain their ideal weight and curb any fat accumulation in the body?

In reality, there are diet pills that can really make a person shed off those extra pounds. These diet pills contain certain substances that were already clinically and scientifically proven to be very effective.

These diet pills are effective in increasing the metabolism of the body, thereby, initiating weight loss. Plus, these diet pills contain certain substances that suppress one’s appetite.

However, with so many diet pills saturating the market today, trying to find the best and most effective diet pill can be very tedious. Chances are, you may end up choosing the wrong diet pill when your energy to find diet pills wanes down.

Actually, there are only five factors to consider when choosing diet pills that are effective at the same time safe to use. Here is a list of the factors that you need to consider in order to come up with a diet pill that is right and appropriate.

1. The metabolism-boosting ability

In choosing diet pills that will effectively promote weight loss, it is best to look for pills that have the ingredients that will enhance your body’s metabolism, or the ability of the body to burn excess fats.

Choose those diet pills that contain alpha lipoic acid, green tea extracts, and “L-Canitine” because these ingredients had been clinically proven to be effective in promoting weight loss through increased metabolic rate.

2. The appetite suppressants

Find diet pills that effectively suppress your appetite. It does not necessarily mean that you will skip meals but you will not just feel hungry every now and then. This is because obesity usually happens to people who are fond of in-between meals, which actually initiates excessive calorie intake.

3. The calorie stopper

Because obesity is usually due to excess intake of calories in the body, which is more than the recommended amount, it is best to choose diet pills that have the special ingredients that will curb the entry of calories into the body.

Nike Shox Torch 2 George Sand speaks much to the same effect in her reminiscences

George Sand speaks much to the same effect in her reminiscences. She believed in the legend.
“Moderate in every other respect,” she says, “he had the purest of morals, having always dreaded wildness as the enemy of talent; and he nearly always cherished women solely in his heart and in his head, even in his youth. He pursued chastity on principle; and his relations with the fair sex were those merely of curiosity. When he found a curiosity equal to his own, he exploited this mine with the cynicism of a father-confessor. But, when he met with health of mind and body, he was as happy as a child to speak of real love and to rise into the lofty regions of sentiment.”
Unfortunately for the preceding testimony, a flat contradiction is given to it not only by the recorded facts of the novelist’s life, but by his sister, who knew better than George Sand and Gautier that Balzac’s profession of sublimer sentiments did not exclude a more mundane feeling and practice. Commenting on George Sand’s generous panegyric of her brother, she adds: “It is an error to speak of his extreme moderation. He does not deserve this praise. Outside of his work, which was first and foremost, he loved and tasted all the pleasures of this world. I think he would have been the most conceited of all men, if he had not been the most discreet. Confident in himself, he never committed the least indiscretion in his relations with others, and kept their secrets, though unable to keep his own.”
The Viscount Spoelberch de Lovenjoul is still more explicit in his short book on Balzac and Madame Hanska, entitled Roman d’Amour. Speaking of the novelist’s various liaisons and love escapades, which were covered up with such solicitude from the eyes of the world, he remarks that Balzac, while vaunting himself, in argument, of having remained chaste for a number of years, owned to his sister that the truth was quite different. The novelist did his utmost, continues Monsieur de Lovenjoul, to foster the tradition of his hermit-like conduct; and to all the jealous women with whom he entertained friendly relations he asserted that his morals were as spotless as those of a cenobite. Ever and everywhere he abused the credulity of those who flattered themselves they were his only love.
Madame de Berny was not among the credulous ones, nor yet so resigned as the simple bourgeoise Maria, who, to quote Balzac’s own words, “fell like a flower from heaven, exacted neither correspondence nor attentions, and said: ‘Love me a year and I will love you all my life.’” Though forced to accept the transformation of her relations with her young lover into a purely platonic friendship, she made occasional protests against being supplanted by younger rivals — the imperious Madame de Castries among the number. The birth and growth of his affection for Madame Hanska she appears to have felt and resented to a greater degree than his previous infidelities to her. Not even its maintenance, for the time being, on the plane of pure sentiment, dispelled her jealous thoughts. Being apprized of Balzac’s dedication of a portion of the Woman of Thirty Years Old to his Eve, she insisted on his expunging the offending name, while the sheets were in the press. Whether her fretting over his transferred allegiance hastened her end it is impossible to say with any certainty; yet one cannot help being struck by the fact that the serious phase of the malady that killed her almost coincided with the beginning of their separation.

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Using Your Autoresponder to Generate Leads

Autoresponders are one of the most important marketing tools that you can have if you are doing business online. In fact, the
only thing more important that the autoresponder is your opt-in list! But all autoresponders start out without a list – the list doesn’t
exist until your autoresponder mailing list starts filling up with names and email addresses!

The easiest and fastest way to build up an email list is to give things away for free. Some marketers will tell you that this is a
waste of time – and if you already have a list of one hundred thousand people that you can market to, then it probably is. But for
those who do not already have a list, this is the way that it gets built! You simply pay for advertisement to promote your freebie.
Don’t think of this as lost money, think of it as an investment in future earnings.

Give away an ezine, free reports, free ebooks, free access to private websites, or anything else that you can think of. The object is
to get people to sign up to receive that freebie, and to agree to receive email from you in the future! It is a win-win situation for
everyone, but you get more than anyone else in the deal. The person gets a freebie. You get their name and email address, and
permission to email them in the future.

But if you do it right, you get even more than that. The freebie that you give away should also be used to promote your products or
services. Even if it just has affiliate links for products or services that are related to the topic of the freebie, it is a way to generate
extra revenue. Then, when you send email in the future, you can again promote your products or services. Just be sure to include
valuable information in the email as well, or you will have people dropping off of your autoresponder mailing list like flies!

Using every opportunity that is presented to you in the world of Internet Marketing is vital to your success. You have the opportunity
to earn money in the freebie that you create, you have the opportunity to earn money when you send the ‘thank you’ email after a
person has requested your freebie, and you have the opportunity to earn money every time an autoresponder message is sent out
to that list in the future! Don’t waste those opportunities, and put it all in automatic mode with the use of an autoresponder.

(word count 424)


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If you like what you just read, you are advised to start shopping for an air purifier. As previously mentioned, you are advised to look for air purifiers that specifically mentioned pets. They will be your best bet, when it comes to creating healthy, breathable air for you and the rest of your family.


Word Count 667

louis vuitoon aikido-uniform

Dressing Up to Train

Like all martial arts or sports for that matter, Aikido has their own set of uniforms. The aikidogi or the uniform used in aikido is similar to the keikogi used in most martial arts. Keikogi is a term used to refer to uniform for training.

This is a general term used to refer to uniforms of donned for traditional martial arts class. For Aikido it抯 the aikidogi, for Judo it抯 judogi, for Jiujitsu it抯 the jujutsugi, karategi for Karate, kendogi for kendo and the shinobi-iri and shinobi shozoku for Ninjutsu arts. The training uniforms used in martial arts are often times referred to as mere gi or dogi.

The aikid?gi consists of simple trousers and a white jacket or uwagi or upper garment. For aikidogi, wraparound jackets used in judo and karate are acceptable. Judo jackets are thicker and are built for durability since in judo the jacket receives considerable stress from the techniques like seizing and throwing.

For aikidokas, judo jackets might be advisable since some Aikido techniques also involve some keikogi grabbing which could tear the cloth during practice. Sometimes, aikido uniforms are customized to handle precisely the stress in some techniques. Although, personalized or specialized aikodogis are uncommon. If you do find keikogi specially made for Aikido training, you'll notice that the gi has reinforced kneepatches.

The jacket is also a little longer around the waist which allows the aikidoka to easily tuck them to their hakama. The Aikdo jacket might also have shorter sleeves since basic techniques of Aikido focuses on wrist grabs and twists. The uwagi might be made from heavyweight tightly woven terrycloth which is similar to uwagi of Judo or from heavy canvas similar to karategi. Regardless, both are strong enough to withstand the regular grappling and throwing found in Aikido training.

Aside from the trousers and wraparound jackets, Aikido schools also add hakama, which looks like a dress or skirt, to the uniform. The concept behind wearing a hakama is to be able to hide the movements of the feet. The hakama is commonly black or indigo in color and are usually reserved for aikidokas that have received the dan rank.

In Aikido, most of the styles or schools use the ky?/dan ranking system which is the norm in the martial arts world. However, each style has different qualifications for meeting each rank and each style might use colored belts for ky? levels while others do not. In some schools the hakama is worn by all students regardless of rank. While in other styles, only female aikidokas are required to wear them.

When buying for first aikidogi it is important to make sure that the size and fit is right. Uniforms that are too small will constrict your movements while too big a size will get in the way of executing techniques. As mentioned before, in Aikido you'll get considerable pulling, stretching, sliding, jumping and throwing thus the need for a set of uniform that will not easily tear from the regular training routine. Double stitched uniforms are usually stronger and will handle the stress.
Extra knee padding is also a plus. However, do remember that these things cost a little extra but its all worth it since you'll be having a uniform that will lasts longer. This is definitely better than buying a new one every time you tear it up during training. 相关的主题文章:


coach 13 - Online Dating Safety For Men

Online Dating Safety For Men

Almost everything you read about online dating safety is directed at women but men need to be concerned as well. Perverts, sexual predators and weirdoes come in both sexes, all sizes, and all ages…as do, liars and cheaters. So men need to stay on guard, too.

It is common knowledge not to readily give out personal information to strangers. The reason for not doing so is as large as the number of strangers who want that information. If you come across a person who is giving out personal information and asking others to do the same, don’t do it. You don’t know what they want to use it for….and you had better believe they want to use it for something. That “something” will not be for your benefit. Men, also, need to guard their real names, addresses, phone numbers, and place of employment. Do not give that information to anyone online until you are confident that they are who they say they are.

Men, be wary of women who seem too financially needy. If they ask for money, in any of a dozen ways women can ask for money, cut the relationship off immediately. They are not looking for love or even friendship….they are looking for financial help.

If a woman gives you a contact number but you cannot ever reach her at that number, beware. If you always have to page them or text them and have them call you back, this could be a sign that what they are telling you is not the complete truth.

A need to get married and insecurity are other signs men should be very wary of. If the woman is pushing too hard for a commitment you aren’t ready to make, it might be a good time to head for the nearest exit.

[Insert Your Resource Box Here]

(Words: 306)


louis vuitoon White Magic Spells - Love Spells To Attract Your True Love_3303

Love spells are the most commonly requested and performed spell of all. Everyone wants to know more information about these spells and how love spells work. I will show you a white magic spell by giving you an example of a free love spell.

To cast this Wiccan spell, you need the following ingredents:

1) A orange candle
2) A red candle
3) A White candle
4) Lilacs
5) Two roses
6) Two cinnamon sticks
7) Parchment paper
8) An envelope
9) Perfume
10) Parchment paper
11) A pen.

When you got all of this, it is type to start you free powerful love spell. place your candles on a table and arrange them in the shape of an upside triangle. Spread the petals from one of the rose around these candles. This should fortify the heart shape. Place the cinnamon sticks between the two candles located at the top of the triangle. This will allow you to make a dimple for the heart top. Now you must take the lilacs and place them in the center.

Now you should light the candles. While you light them, you need to chant "ohm". While chanting, you should be imagining the perfect lover, actually meeting them, you falling for eachother and then dating eachother.

After this, you should stand up. Make the image of a heart using both your forefingers and thumb. While you do this, you should fortify your image of the new lover you want to enter your life. After you are done this, put your hands over the candles. Think about the qualities you want from your lover. Examples of these traits include personality, temperment and looks. As you think about these qualities, chant, "Love come to me as I will so mote it be!". After deciding on the kind of lover you want, you need to write down these qualities. Although you need to be realistic, get down as many qualities as you can.

When you are done, fold the flower petals. You should then place it into the paper. Use the wax from the orange candle to seal the paper. Place the paper in an envelope. Seal the envelope with the wax from the white and red candles. The final step of this free love spell can take time. Until you meet your lover, light the candles every Friday night along with the cinnamon and keep the envelope under your bed.

The last stage of this love spell is creating a collage of your perfect lover including looks, personality, religion, culture, wealth, health and family. You can use old magazine pictures and poster boards to do this. Place alternative images on their face with different eyes. Using different types of lettering, list the qualities you want. You need to be creative when using white magic spells.. You need to post this somewhere that you will always see it. The more time and engery you put into this wish spell, the more real your dream will become. So enjoy and good luck with your love spells.


Nike Shox Torch 2 Their way lay through the line of encampment to the westward

Their way lay through the line of encampment to the westward, and was imperfectly lighted by the flame of an occasional torch or the glow of a distant watch-fire. The thunder had diminished in frequency, but had increased in volume; faint breaths of wind soared up fitfully from the west, and already a few raindrops fell slowly to the thirsty earth. The warriors not actually on duty at the different posts of observation had retired to the shelter of their tents; none of the thousand idlers and attendants attached to the great army appeared at their usual haunts; even the few voices that were audible sounded distant and low. The night-scene here, among the ranks of the invaders of Italy, was as gloomy and repelling as on the solitary plains before the walls of Rome.
Ere long the stranger perceived that they had reached a part of the camp more thickly peopled, more carefully illuminated, more strongly fortified, than that through which they had already passed; and the liquid, rushing sound of the waters of the rapid Tiber now caught his suspicious and attentive ear. They still moved onward a few yards; and then paused suddenly before a tent, immediately surrounded by many others, and occupied at all its approaches by groups of richly-armed warriors. Here Hermanric stopped an instant to parley with the sentinel, who, after a short delay, raised the outer covering of the entrance to the tent, and the moment after the Roman adventurer beheld himself standing by his conductor’s side in the presence of the Gothic king.
The interior of Alaric’s tent was lined with skins, and illuminated by one small lamp, fastened to the centre pole that supported its roof. The only articles of furniture in the place were some bundles of furs flung down loosely on the ground, and a large, rudely-carved wooden chest, on which stood a polished human skull, hollowed into a sort of clumsy wine-cup. A thoroughly Gothic ruggedness of aspect, a stately Northern simplicity prevailed over the spacious tent, and was indicated not merely in its thick shadows, its calm lights, and its freedom from pomp and glitter, but even in the appearance and employment of its remarkable occupant.
Alaric was seated alone on the wooden chest already described, contemplating with bent brow and abstracted gaze some old Runic characters, traced upon the carved surface of a brass and silver shield, full five feet high, which rested against the side of the tent. The light of the lamp falling upon the polished surface of the weapon — rendered doubly bright by the dark skins behind it — was reflected back upon the figure of the Goth chief. It glowed upon his ample cuirass; it revealed his firm lips, slightly curled by an expression of scornful triumph; it displayed the grand, muscular formation of his arm, which rested — clothed in tightly-fitting leather — upon his knee; it partly brightened over his short, light hair, and glittered steadily in his fixed, thoughtful, manly eyes, which were just perceptible beneath the partial shadow of his contracted brow; while it left the lower part of his body and his right hand, which was supported on the head of a huge, shaggy dog couching at his side, shadowed almost completely by the thick skins heaped confusedly against the sides of the wooden chest. He was so completely absorbed in the contemplation of the Runic characters, traced among the carved figures on his immense shield, that he did not notice the entry of Hermanric and the stranger until the growl of the watchful dog suddenly disturbed him in his occupation. He looked up instantly, his quick, penetrating glance dwelling for a moment on the young chieftain, and then resting steadily and inquiringly on his companion’s feeble and mutilated form.


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Preventing Diseases in Fruit Trees

If you maintain any pitted fruit trees such as plums, peaches, or cherries, I’m sure you know that those types of trees are much more susceptible to diseases than any other type. While the fruits are delicious, it can be rather hard to live with all of the maladies that can plague the life of everyone who has ever grown one of those types of fruit trees.

The main disease that you will hear about the most is known as “Brown Rot”. This is a fungus that attaches to many of the leftover fruits after the picking season is over. Not only does it look disgusting on the leftover fruits, but it also can come back on the newer fruits, rendering them inedible (unless you enjoy eating fungus). To prevent this malady, you should prune your trees often to encourage good air circulation. Buildups of moisture are the main cause of the brown rot. Also when you are done picking for the season, you should get rid of all of the leftover fruits in the tree or on the ground.

A cytospora canker is a disgusting dark, soft area on tree branches. Gum protrudes through the bark, along with a large callus. The pathogen which causes these cankers usually enters the tree through older wounds. If you prune all of the sprouts that occur in late summer, cankers will have a harder time making themselves known within your tree. When you prune, always allow the wounds to heal naturally rather than use the wound dressings that you can buy at gardening stores. I’ve found that these usually do very little to help any situation, and only serve to make the tree look unnatural.

Those planting plum trees might deal with something called Black Knot. The symptoms of black not are rough tumors or growths that can be seen on the tree’s branches. If you see any of these, you should immediately chop off the branch it has attached to. If you use branches for mulch usually, don’t for this one. This disease can easily re-enter the tree if it is within a certain distance.

Almost everyone who has ever maintained a cherry tree has dealt with the “Cherry Leaf Spot”. It usually shows itself when there are old dead leaves accumulated on the ground. Preventing this disease is fairly easy. All you have to do is be fairly diligent in raking up all of the leaves that fall from your tree. If you have already seen signs of the disease, you should destroy all of your raked leaves. If not, then you can use them as mulch.

When your fruits ripen and become ready for picking, you should always be completely finished with picking within 2 weeks. It is best to daily go outside and pick all of the new ripe fruits, along with any that have fallen off of the tree or are starting to rot on the tree. By doing this, you will prevent bees and wasps from becoming too dependent on your tree for nourishment.

Growers of fruit trees are constantly faced with diseases and pests to worry about. However, if you take the proper precautions then you can avoid most of them. You should also look for any diseases that have been affecting your local area, and try to take steps to prevent those as well.


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Discount Louis Vuitton Shipwrecked! Tickets梩ake A Trip Across The Seas At Your Local Theater!_26685

The power of a play can抰 be underestimated. They can entertain you with a great comedy, leaving your sides aching from laughing so much and so hard. They can capture you up in a whirlwind of jollity with a colorful musical. Often, they can thrill you with a mystery whodunit, or stimulate your mind with a moving drama.

But in all instances, the power of the theater is to transport you, sometimes across the world, often across time. 揝hipwrecked!?is a masterwork in that respect, being a brilliant, light fantasy that revels in the many colorful exploits of a would-be hero named Louis de Rougemont. Not at all a hero by nature, he finds himself thrust into a series of unusual predicaments on the high seas that force him into the uncomfortable role, often with amusing results.

In this delightful story that抯 fit for the entire family, a ne抏r do well (Rougemont) is shipwrecked on an island. He抯 a teller of tall tales, so you抮e never really sure if what you抮e being told is true or not梑ut it is exciting and enjoyable, regardless of its veracity. At one point, he has to fight of a giant octopus. At another, he抯 pursued by unsavory characters. In still another, his loyal pooch comes to his aide.
It抯 the kind of story you抣l find endearing and thrilling at the same time, and that you can watch with your children and give them exposure to the theater. This in particular is an important role that fantasy stories on stage fulfill. As soon as they抮e old enough to behave themselves properly in a theater, children should be exposed to it so that they develop a life-long appreciation for the art form and the stories told through it. This could be the play that inspires them to go on and explore acting, directing or scriptwriting, perhaps setting them up in life to enjoy a life of the theater.

Don抰 pass up this exciting opportunity! Seek out 揝hipwrecked!?tickets today! This play is currently only playing at the Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles, CA.


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What RC Car Accessory You Should Get for a Well-Maintained Car

One of the hottest hobbies on the road today, RC cars and trucks will let you experience the real world of road race tracks and events but no red lights and speed limits for you. You simply drive that RC car or truck of yours and decide on yourself how fast you can go.

You also got options to choose from. Just like the real automotive world, the radio controlled world of cars and trucks provide the same choices of futuristic concept cars, on-road and off-road cars, entry-level buggy, and monster trucks, and, nitro-powered cars, even mini-cars.

There are endless options for everyone and RC cars and trucks are for all personalities and ages. The choice is yours; it solely depends on your preference. On the other hand, if you need more information you can get advices from different fellow enthusiasts.

Again, just like with the “real” on-road and off-road vehicles, radio controlled ones require the same kind of maintenance and care from you. This is to ensure you keep your vehicle in top condition so to avoid failures.

Maintaining them would include everything from keeping them powered, whether through electricity or nitromethane-based fuel, to replacing parts and accessory. You also must have a certain stock of standard RC car/truck equipment for the maintenance.

In addition, there is a plethora of accessories that are available for you, which you can get for your RC car. If you want to keep your vehicle always aesthetically pleasing and aggressive, or want a higher level of experience on the road, RC car accessories will allow you to attain these.

Accordingly, the following top RC accessories are amongst the components that your car should not go without:

1. Starter boxes. Starting your new vehicle will include break-in of its new engine, which could be tough process at first. With the starter box, though, this is made easier by eliminating the need to pull-start the RC car. It gives the boost needed by the engine’s break-in; thus your car gets you going in no time.

2. Fuel. Of course, without the fuel, you won’t go anywhere with this car. There are specially formulated fuel kinds for RC cars, and you can get one, which is recommended by the owner’s manual provided.

And since, you will probably do the re-fueling job, you might as well include in your purchase a fuel filler bottle, which will fit your car’s need. There are several sizes available, with long, angled tips to allow for speedy process as well as to prevent spills.

In addition, a fuel cleaner and rags will be handy accessories in cases there are spills and drips.

3. Glow plugs. Instead of ending your fun in driving because of glow plug failures, with spare glow plugs you can change bad plugs along the course. In addition, a small kit stashed in your box will be best idea. This is usually included with the spare glow plugs, glow plug igniter, glow plug wrench, and charger.

4. RC tools. These are the specialized tools to keep your vehicle going. A standard RC tool kit usually includes: magnetic balancer, gear puller, temperature gauge, tool pouch, and glow plug wrench.

5. Air Filter Oil. Replacement of the air filter at an interval is a must. At this case, it will always be better if you got special air filter oil with you to improve the function of air filter and keep the life of the engine longer.


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Site Making Using Google

Businesses that want to sell something in the market need 2 things. The first is the product to be sold which has to be made then distributed to places like the grocery, the mall or the supermarket. The second is marketing which is the vehicle to carry that message across to the consumer so that people are aware of its existence then it is purchased.

The age of the internet has given people the opportunity to make money via the web. There are a lot of websites that offer a person the chance to be seen easily and quickly and one of the best right now is using site maps created by Google.

The benefits of using Google are the following;

· It helps people find ones web page better than other search engines because of better crawl coverage.

· People will be able to search on certain keywords that the person put in place which will directly lead searchers to ones website.

· It allows the person to provide specific information to Google about the web page such as the last time it was modified or how often it is changed.

· Using Google straight will allow ones web page to be seen quickly which is a lot better than other computer companies who promise to do the same thing but can’t deliver in the end.

Now that the benefits have been mentioned, it is now time to go through the step by step process to make a Google site map.

1. The first thing that needs to be done is to do the proper research. The service or product has to fill a need that the customers want right now. It should provide a solution of some kind that will make that will improve the quality of life either at home or at work.

2. Next, one should focus on the product or service that is being offered to the customer must be sold at a decent price. Sometimes, the product one makes is already available in the market. To be competitive, one must figure out a way to convince people as to why this product is better than the other leading brands available. What features does it have that the competitor doesn’t? What makes it unique which is not only about the product on hand but the service that this can give as well?

Just like a normal business where business is done on the phone or in a store, one must acquire the right equipment and machines for the job. These could be merchandise that is either physical or electronic and an online ordering system.

To be successful, one should be sure that the goods that a customer will order can be delivered on time. If there are any problems, a customer support staff or system should be ready to cater to that.

3. If the business is done with a group of people or a single proprietorship, it is best to brainstorm for the best domain name for the business. It should be catchy and will easily be remembered by people. Given that there are probably other people who have been in the business longer and that it is possible that the domain name has already been taken, it is best to think of several names in case it can no longer be used.

4. When a domain name has been selected, one should enter the URL of the website to be created. Google site maker will then crawl the site and create a list of all the links it can find.

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Waterproof Camera Bags: A Perfect Bag for Every Photographer

A photographer constantly carries around expensive photography equipments wherever they go in order to capture once in a lifetime moments. Just imagine you and your family taking a great vacation on an island resort. When you and your family took a boat ride, you suddenly saw dolphins swimming with the boat you are on. This is a perfect photo moment that you can your family can enjoy. However, you forgot all about your camera.

This situation can be frustrating. Taking pictures of memorable moments is a great way to get your memories to last a long time. It is also a great way to share it with your friends. However, it can also be potentially dangerous for your camera to be constantly carried around. This is why camera manufacturers and bag manufacturers alike are now selling camera bags where photographers can purchase it to provide additional protection for the camera.

These bags are built to be specially used for cameras. With camera bags, you will be able to protect your expensive digital camera while enjoy taking pictures of unforgettable moments that you wish to make more unforgettable and have something to share with your family and friends.

There are different camera bags available in the market today. Each camera bag is designed to be used by a specific camera for you to be able to maximize the protection. There are also camera bags with built-in foam padding for extra protection in case you accidentally bumped into a hard surface or you accidentally dropped it. This kind of bag will be able to protect your camera from bumps by cushioning it.

In case you like taking pictures of tropical islands, it will require you to get in the water. As you know, electronic devices, such as your digital camera, and water don�t mix. This is why it is important for you to protect your camera from getting water inside in order for you to effectively protect it and make it last a long time.

Today, there are camera bags available that is able to offer this kind of protection. This kind of camera bag is called the waterproof camera bag. As with other camera bags, the waterproof camera bags also comes in different sizes and designs. Some are designed to fit all camera equipments and some are designed to fit only a single camera. Others are designed to fit two cameras at a time. So, this will mean that you will have a variety of choices on which kind of camera bag you should get.

Waterproof camera bags are made with water resistant fibers that keeps water out. This means that even if you drop it on water, the sensitive and expensive electronic equipments inside will remain safely dry. You should also choose a waterproof camera bag that is able to float when you accidentally drop it on the water. This will make it easier for you to retrieve the bag. Besides, if it doesn�t float, it will just end up on the bottom of the ocean. Imagine, if you are taking a boat ride and you accidentally drop the bag. If you get a bag that floats, you can be sure that you will be able to retrieve it.