

"Nanny." I have trouble placing the voice at first. "As per my letter of instructions, I'll be arriving at the apartment tomorrow. I trust you had no trouble finding the foie gras. Have a good time in Nantucket and please say hello to Grayer for me."
AH right. I grew up and then became a governess. [Pause] I'd really tike to start a conversation, but there's no one to start a conversation with ... I don't have anybody at all.
Chapter 10
And We Gave Her an All-expenses paid Vacation
"Good-bye!" the Horners shout from their car as it pulls out of the Nantucket Airport parking lot, leaving me alone by the side of the tarmac.
I sit down on my duffel bag and fight the urge not to throw up as only someone can who's just flown twenty-five minutes on a six-seater plane through torrential downpours, unrelenting fog, and massive turbulence with four adults, three children, a goldfish, a guinea pig, and a golden retriever. Only my consideration for the Horner girls prevented me from screaming at every drop.
I pull my sweatshirt closer around me against the salty wind and wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Oh, no, that's okay, that's fiiine. No, I wasn't out late at my graduation party. No, you take your time-I'll just sit here in the cold drizzle. No, I think what's important is that I'm here, in Nantucket, and that you and your family can rest easy just knowing I am somewhere within a ten-mile vicinity of you. I think what's important, you know, paramount really, is that I'm not off living my life, attending to whatever I need to be doing, but am permanently on pause for you and your fucking family-
The Rover pulls in and barely slows to a roll as they motion for me to jump in.
"Nanny!" Grayer screams. "I got a Kokichu!" He holds up a yellow Japanese toy as I open the door. There is a very large canoe precariously angled in the trunk so that it sticks out over half the back passenger seat.
"Nanny,fake louis vuitton bags, be careful of the boat. It's an antique," Mrs. X says proudly.
I maneuver myself under the canoe, pull my bag between my feet, crouch low, and reach around to pat Grayer's leg in greeting. "Hey, Grove, I missed ya."
"The antiquing here is wonderful. I'm hoping to find a new couch table for the second guest bedroom."
"Dream big, honey," Mr. X grumbles under his breath.
Ignoring him, she looks up at me in her visor mirror. "So, what was the plane like inside,fake montblanc pens?"
"Urn, it had brown leather seats-" I say, my head wedged into my chest.
"Did they serve you anything?"
"They asked if I wanted peanuts."
"You're so lucky. Jack Horner designs fabulous shoes,moncler jackets men. I absolutely adore Caroline. I worked on a benefit last year for her brother's campaign. It's such a shame they live in Westchester or we'd just be the best of friends." She checks her teeth in the mirror. "Now, I want to go over the plan for the afternoon. It turns out the Pierson barbecue is formal, so I thought it'd be nice for you guys to just enjoy some downtime at the house,shox torch 2. Relax and enjoy the place."
"Great. That sounds like fun." I attempt to look over at Grover in his car seat with visions of us passed out in matching chaises on the lawn.

