
缇庡浗浼楃 American Gods_399

g with the ones where we came out fairly okay."
"I see,chanel," said Shadow. And he did see, more or less,imitation rolex watches.
"Look," said Whiskey Jack. "This is not a good country for gods,cheap montblanc pen. My people figured that out early on. There are creator spirits who found the earth or made it or shit it out, but you think about it: who's going to worship Coyote? He made love to Porcupine Woman and got his dick shot through with more needles than a pincushion. He'd argue with rocks and the rocks would win.
"So, yeah, my people figured that maybe there's something at the back of it all, a creator, a great spirit, and so we say thank you to it, because it's always good to say thank you. But we never built churches. We didn't need to. The land was the church. The land was the religion. The land was older and wiser than the people who walked on it. It gave us salmon and corn and buffalo and passenger pigeons. It gave us wild rice and walleye. It gave us melon and squash and turkey. And we were the children of the land, just like the porcupine and the skunk and the blue jay."
He finished his second beer and gestured toward the river at the bottom of the waterfall. "You follow that river for a way, you'll get to the lakes where the wild rice grows. In wild rice time, you go out in your canoe with a friend, and you knock the wild rice into your canoe, and cook it, and store it, and it will keep you for a long time. Different places grow different foods. Go far enough south there are orange trees, lemon trees, and those squashy green guys, look like pears-"
"Avocados," agreed Whiskey Jack. "That's them. They don't grow up this way,http://www.australiachanelbags.com/. This is wild rice country. Moose country. What I'm trying to say is that America is like that. It's not good growing country for gods. They don't grow well here. They're like avocados trying to grow in wild rice country."
"They may not grow well," said Shadow, remembering, "but they're going to war."
That was the only time he ever saw Whiskey Jack laugh. It was almost a bark, and it had little humor in it. "H

